Related data assets

Each entity has related data assets, which are tables or views that we can join with our entity. The relation between an entity and a data asset is defined on the entity YAML file, under related_assets or via the Studio UI.

Joining related assets will allow us to enrich our entity with features

Simple entity-to-asset relation

In this example, we define the relations between the entity customer to the data assets db_prod.core.orders and db_prod.core.device:

# customer.yml


    relationship: one_to_many
    - name: all_orders
      default: true
      type: sql
      sql:  {source}.customer_id = {destination}.customer_id

    relationship: one_to_one
    - name: customer_device
      default: true
      type: fields
      - source: device_id
        destination: id
        operator: equal

The related_assets property holds all the assets that relate to the entity.

Each data asset element has to include the full path to the data asset as it in the origin data warehouse - db name, schema name and asset name (


Sets the Relationship between the entity and the data asset. The options for the Relationship property are:

  • one_to_one

  • one_to_many

  • many_to_many

  • many_to_one

The direction of the relationship is entity-to-asset. Meaning, in our example, the entity is customer and the first data asset is order. So in this case a customer has many orders.

Lynk will use the relationship property to suggest the correct data assets when creating features. For example, when creating metrics, Lynk will only suggest one-to-many related assets.


Define how the entity and the data asset should be joined, by connecting entity features to data asset fields.

name [optional]

Give the join path a name.

If you choose not to name a join path, lynk will automatically name as the join path as "default" followed by a number. For example, the first unnamed join path will be named by Lynk to default_1, the second to default_2 etc..

Note that Join path name has to be unique on a related asset level.

The name property will be used when creating features. In case there is more than one join path between an entity and a data asset, you will be able to tell Lynk how connect the entity to the related asset by using the join path name.

default [optional]

The default property takes boolean values (true / false). There can be only one default join path between an entity and a specific data asset. Lynk will use the default join path when creating features for this entity, unless a name of another join path will be stated.

In case there is more than one join path between an entity and a data asset, setting the default property becomes mandatory.


The type property tells Lynk which method to use for defining the join path. The options for type are:

  • sql

  • fields

  • lookup

sql (type)

Use sql code to define how an entity is related to a data asset. When setting type: sql, you will need to add the sql property with the SQL definition of the relation.

See the following example;

# customer.yml


    relationship: one_to_many
    - name: all_orders
      default: true
      type: sql
      sql:  {source}.id = {destination}.customer_id

Using the sql type;

{source} refers to the entity

{destination} refers to the data asset

In the above example, the entity customer has a feature id which connects to the orders data asset field customer_id

fields (type)

A simple YAML-style to define how an entity is related to a data asset. When setting type: fields, you will need to add the fields property with the fields and the operator that define the relation.

See the following example:

# customer.yml


    relationship: one_to_one
    - name: customer_device
      default: true
      type: fields
      - source: device_id
        destination: id
        operator: equal

Using the fields type;

source refers to the entity

destination refers to the data asset

operator defines the operator of the relation between the two fields. The options for the operator property are:

  • equal

  • gt

  • gte

  • lt

  • lte

In the above example, the entity customer has a feature device_id which connects to the field id in the device data asset, using the operator equal. This translates to customer.device_id =

Lynk supports multiple related fields from the source to the destination, enabling joins on more than one field when needed.

lookup (type)

Sometimes the relation between an entity and a data asset is not direct. Meaning, in order to connect an entity and a data asset we have to join them via one or more lookup tables ("hops"). Lynk supports this scenario using the lookup join type.

See the below example:

# customer.yml


    relationship: one_to_many
    - name: all_payments
      default: true
      type: lookup
      - destination: db_prod.core.orders
        type: sql
        sql: {source}.id = {destination}.customer_id
      - destination: db_prod.core.payment
        type: sql
        sql: {source}.order_id = {destination}.order_id

In the above example, we connect the table db_prod.core.payment to our customer entity. Note that there is no direct connection between those two, and we have to join customer to orders first and then join orders to payment.

On the first step, the source is the data asset...

Using the lookup type;

As seen on the above code, lookups are a n ordered list of steps;

  • On the first step, source is always the entity and destination is the first data asset we connect to it.

  • On the next steps, the source is the previous destination.

  • On the last step, the destination is the final destination we would like to reach. in this case it's db_prod.core.payment

Inside each lookup step, we can define the connection between the source and destination, and choose how - using the type parameter as usual - SQL or fields

Example - data asset with multiple join paths

Sometimes there is a need to define more than one way to join an entity to a data asset.

For example, imagine we are a b2b company with a sales department It's common that the sales agent that closed the deal (sale) is not the same agent that renewed the contract with the customer a few years later. What if we want to know for each customer, who was the agent on each occasion? A simple way to do that is to join customers to agents twice - one on sale_agent and another join on renew_agent (see below)

Lynk supports multiple join paths between an entity and a data asset as follows:

# customer.yml

    relationship: many_to_many
    - name: sale_agent
      default: true
      type: fields
      - source: sale_agent_id
        destination: id
        operator: equal
    - name: deactivate_agent
      default: false
      type: fields
      - source: renew_agent_id
        destination: id
        operator: equal

Note that in the case of multiple join paths, each join path needs to have a name and only one can be set to default

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